Welcome to Yelapa

Portsmouth GameJam 2019 Best Adaptation of Theme
Oliver Thurston
Joe Shanahan
Scott Richards
Amy Elliott

About the Game

Welcome to Yelapa is a top down puzzle-exploration game, where the main character Lillian must explore Yelepa in order to find keys and face the lawyer Vernon Geddy.

We wanted to go back to our first GameJam entry which was an isometric puzzle game, and see how much better we could make that style of game with more experience.

The final game had 14 unique areas, including a boss fight. We'd set up a pipeline that allowed us to create those areas in under an hour, if we'd had more time we could've done even more.

The game won the Best Adaptation of Theme award for utilising all three themes.


(The themes for the Portsmouth GameJam are decided by three random Wikipedia articles)

Play Welcome to Yelapa

The game is hosted on itch.io, where you can play it from the browser.

Play on itch.io
(mobile not supported)