Henry's Hasty Horse

Portsmouth GameJam 2015
Louise Hunnisett
Oliver Thurston
Melina Spütz
Joe Shanahan
Scott Richards
James Thurston

About the Game

Henry's Hasty Horse was supposed to be an autorunner game where you play as a French Prince chasing down his escaped horse. There were holes in the ground that need to be jumped over, as well as whales falling from the sky.

The game was made in the Blender Game Engine. Unfortunately, due to personal illness, one of our team had to drop out and the game was not finished. While there were textures and even a boss fight created, they didn't make it into a playable version by the Friday.

The game would've looked a lot more finished if we'd managed to get the textures implemented in time.


(The themes for the Portsmouth GameJam are decided by three random Wikipedia articles)

Play Henry's Hasty Horse

The game was never finished, and is unavailable for download.